Two so-called white lies are infused into a person’s spirit development since the outset of physical growing.
One is that people are born equal, whereas the contradict truth is people are born endowed with hierarchy, no matter they allow, connive or ban the hierachy.
The other is that the inner beauty outweighs the appearance, whereas the contradict truth is we are live in the circumstances where the first positive/negative impression, what you look like will determine your destiny.
Therefore, there are the two advantages, if we possess, we can full take to build a better life without much trouble. If either of them is absent from us, we had to keep moving on with great effort and hard work. However, we are not taught so, and we recognized the unfairness until we enter into realistic society, leading us to the confusion, even despair.
The quesion aroused is that why not we can be informed of that at the early stage of life, the truth we can accept as early as possible to make us peaceful and easily tend to be satisfied. The answer is that they are two-faced. On one hand the apparently just atmosphere was hypocritically built to appease the civilian, and on the other hand, the unfairness was thoroughly utilized by them to maximize the self-interest.
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